Art Gallery

Rule of Law

Painting series made on canvas, in mixed technique.

It is created in stages, by levels. It was created in stages, by levels. The genetic load endows the human being with a wealth of mental and creative tools and the academic study with continuous practice installs it in the first level. A wealth of information and praxis lead the human being to evolve. A wealth of information and praxis lead him to evolve.

There are those who are born with a very generous creative level and those of us who must exercise, produce, and reflect throughout our lives to exercise creativity and gradually change what exists.

In this context, in the year 2018, I created the series “Rule of Law” where I pour a series of reflections, images, codes, collected in the exercise of this productive, educational, and pleasant work.

Having as a destination an architectural space in which practice of law is exercised, the world of the rules that govern justice, coexistence, and security. It represented a great challenge. However, the affinity of the objectives of the law with the objectives of expression of my creative work, allowed the result to be successful, from my personal appreciation.

The fundamental theme of my work began by reflecting on security. My first images were very simple: hearts, helmets, armadillos, all related to the concept of certainty. A short time later my work includes other topics related to this concept.

The series Rule of Law is a set of works that brings together an assemblage of visual messages that echo most of these impressions.

At the time, it made me react to new discoveries in the exercise of my search to define the concept that governs my work.

The entire foundation of my work, philosophical, moral, social, scientific, and aesthetic, corresponds to the guidelines that govern the work of the personnel of this law firm.

The work that I have done, for two decades, has been inserted in Contemporary Art, a movement that includes all expressions of visual arts and has been incorporating fusions between the various disciplines of art.

Zacarias Páez,

Painter, sculptor, and architect